Monday, April 18, 2011

Voting poster

Even though it seems logical for there to be a technology oriented or, music something that would attract the target audience our fellow students. Sometimes shock images are just as effective. I didnt want to try too hard and give them a imagine that was clearly trying to target th
em. This was the first image that popped in my mind. It can have double meaning. 1. that we actually get the oportunity to vote and can make decsions while some countries have no choice and no oportunity so end up staring out into a surpressed surounding where the people in charge are not who they would preferable chose. Since we get a choice we get to look out at a nice backyard and can decide to pick the people who were best take care of things that effect us.
2. Is that if we do vote we can probebly keep a nice life and it will hopefully benifit us greatly. If we continue to ignore it we could end up like the frame to the right. we obviously wouldnt have one or the other but just the idea that it makes it all worst if we don't vote.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the hard copy of your poster design. The happy/sad window view is a very interesting concept. You're right it does not yell "VOTE" and so you're asking your viewer to do some thinking. It's a risk to do so and I think a slightly more focused slogan might help make the connection.


    VOTE It makes the biggest difference to the future.
    VOTE It determines the future.
    VOTE To determine the future.

    Also, the placement of your txt is a bit awkward. it overlaps the image in a manner that makes it a bit hard to read.

    Try to meet the deadline for the Multicultural poster.
