Thursday, April 21, 2011

Multicultural Festival poster 2011...contest are anoying

It wasn't what I had originally hoped to make but I pieced this picture together keeping in mind diversity and cultures. To not single any country out and, to avoid being offensive, I coloured all these people different colours and some in the most common colours on flags (Red, Blue, Black, White, Green, Yellow). The world is placed on the maple leaf as a way to show that we are multicultural. To show the world coming to Canada and all people of different cultures coming together on their own walks of life.
 I got the idea for the earth on the flag from Futurama where their flag has earth from the earth day episode.

I'm not made for the advertisment buisness. I like things to have deep meaning and to have people think about it not only just glance get it and walk away.


  1. Okay, no more poster assignments or "advertising" type activities. I hear you. Nevertheless, you have some good concepts here. The earth superimposed over the Canadian flag is an interesting concept. I agree that the rainbow people is a clear and safe way to communicate diversity.

    I'm not sure why the flag is off centre. I fell that it would look better if some blue showed on both sides. You need capitals on the main title and I think the subtitle should be moved off of the flag.

    Can you please act on these edits before you print a hard copy for the Festival?

  2. I agree with your teacher: the Canadian flag over the globe rocks!
