Friday, April 29, 2011



For the orange piture at the top I adjusted the sturation a bit, lightened the picture slightly, and put a filter thats name suddenly escapes me, possibly cutout. Since I had taken the picture the way I thought I would crop it I only needed to cut of the edges a bit.
For the Blue as well I didn't crop it too much only the edges were cut off slightly. I lightened the picture and adjusted the saturation. the same filter on it.
The last on Green was flipped to match the Orange one a bit better, agjusted saturationa abnd lightened photo and no need for cropping once again.
It seems fitting for the only square looking one go in the middle and the others on the outside.
All of these are from the vending machines because I was bored out of my mind and saw the blue square on the gatoraid vending machine and then since I liked that so much went to the other vending machines. To my dismay there where no squares so I just took these in hopes it would work out. An orange and a lime!
Other than that there is practically nothing in this school that is very inspriational.

1 comment:

  1. Here it is the mood that resonates. Water, got to love water unless it floods everything. I think you capture the essence of that very nicely. At least, water is what comes to my mind.
