Thursday, February 17, 2011

Photograpic portrait colour play



Jessica Feeney again in spectacular colours. I ajusted the hue and saturation. Changed the hue of her skin to a yellow green and made the greens stand out a bit more. Added more saturation to the yellows. Brightened the cryans magenta's and reds. Brightening the cryans made the background really then the blue helped to give it a faded look to magenta and to red in the mirror. Cropped the photo


  1. I like how the background blurs into colour

  2. This task is much, much better. The cropping is nicely off centre. The choice of colours is good and the texture on the background is very effective. The pose is interesting because it leads you to wonder what she is holding in her hands. Can you remember to title your work please? If you gave it a title it would remind you to think about the concept. This is supposed to be about more than just making a pretty image. There should be a message. If this image was titled "Contemplation" it would suggest to the viewer a very different concept than if it was titled "Control". Think about meaning and be sure to address it in the next task.
