Thursday, February 17, 2011

Photograpic portrait colour play



Jessica Feeney again in spectacular colours. I ajusted the hue and saturation. Changed the hue of her skin to a yellow green and made the greens stand out a bit more. Added more saturation to the yellows. Brightened the cryans magenta's and reds. Brightening the cryans made the background really then the blue helped to give it a faded look to magenta and to red in the mirror. Cropped the photo

Photograpgic portrait black and white

Original picture

Enhanced picture

From the picture I took of the one and only Jessica Feeney, I converted it to black and white adding a bit of red to brighten up the picture. I cropped the picture so her face was easier to see. The picture was also brightened to show her face and some shadows darkened. I added more contrast and made it a bit sharper so it wasn't as blurry. Using the clone stamp, I copied the back ground to get rid of lines on the wall behind her. I especially like this picture because it looks like shes  fascinated and fearful of the light.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Digital landscape: Mushroom Desert

This picture is called the mushroom desert because it's a desert and it/s full of mushrooms but there is more meaning than just that. It's the mind of a person just about to lose it and go insane.I have left the entire background as it was since I found a photo that just fit right into what I was doing.
Everything is in black and white to give it a dark feeling. I added a Victorian house in the middle where the clouds center towards the house and I lightened it slightly so it would stand out. The house is therefore the brightest thing and the place where sanity still lives.

Right above the house I added a cloud that I darkened and that looks like a person (does in the original picture as well) because insanity is always lurking around. A bit hard to notice, but I placed three faces in the clouds, cloud faces that I blended the best I could and made more transparent. They represent the voices in an insane persons head or maybe split personalities. 

Next was the mushrooms, which is the same mushroom copied five times and lightened or darkened depending on which side of the picture they were placed. Mushrooms are usually associated with drugs but here I just meant them to be a sign of seeing illusions.

The frog I placed at the front so he was more noticeable and tried to blend him into the ground slightly. The frog is wearing a king's crown which is unusual for a frog and also represents illusion and seeing things that are not really there. 

At the back I hid another frog but an unrealistic one that is actually made of wood.  I placed him in a shadow and made him more transparent, so he looks like he is disappearing. This contradicts with the real frog: as in in real v.s fake. The person can't tell the difference anymore and thinks they are the same and therefore doesn't need two because they believe what they see no matter how strange it is.

I also hid a skull in a darker corner so it looks like part of the mountain as a kind of lurking danger feeling. And lastly there is an explosion that creepily looks like a clown and that I have darkened and added more contrast, and made more transparent too. Chaos has broke loose and is randomly exploding and destroying what is there, getting closer to the house like impending doom.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Media arts

I am excited about this course because it just seems like a lot of fun and something I will enjoy doing unlike math which I hate with a passion. I do agree to "uphold" the Studio Rules the best I can.