Friday, May 13, 2011

Lizard mohawk

A mix of a lizard, and a green butterfly with a roaster mohawk.


  1. Maria, three very interesting images which indicate good skill.

    Please feel free to delete this comment once you have read it, if you find it too personal.

    Now,I don't understand why you and I have so much difficulty communicating. My perception of what happened on Friday is this...

    1. Several students left without permission which annoyed me.
    2. I allowed a couple togo early because they had done multiple images, and had them posted, there was nothing else to do.
    3. I asked you to remain because you had not, to my understanding, posted your images and so there was no need to quit 10 minute early instead of doing so. You got quite emotional in response which I perhaps misread as annoyance about being asked to remain when others had left.

    If you are having issues at your locker, you should see adult intervention. I stood in the hall to see what your concern was and saw nothing. There are 25ish days left of school. Let's get through this.
