Thursday, June 2, 2011


Chaos with a mix of smashed broken glass, rubble, broken walkway and a random thing on mess of things in the very back enjoy

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Splinter! Typography

Idea from the halariously amusing, disturbing horror movie called Splinter

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hallway street signs yay...

Hallway plan
Maria Stengos & Daniella Fryters

Task: The Lourdes Beautification Committee hallway signs

The shape of the sign is made to look antique because our school is in the older area of town. If it had been in the newer area of town, then a more modern sign would have made more sense. It is a fairly simple design, so it is easy to glance at regardless of the decor, we thought it was best to use school colours: navy blue and yellow. We decided not to use the school logo since it would take away from the letters and be too distracting and busy looking. The marble affect on the back in the navy blue: just adds to the look of the rest of the sign and makes it less plain and more interesting.
The font is Optimus princeps found at  


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Umbrella Pig
For the sky background, I used a splatter filter to give it a less realistic look. I copied the layer of the original sky to lighten it slightly and blended it into the original sky by simply making it more transparent.
I got the picture of the pig and removed the background. I painted over the original pig image,using some of the original colours of his skin.

For all the umbrellas they all have the same smudge stick filter on them and were all cut out from the original photos they were in. The pink umbrella I blended slightly into the pig to give the impression that it was carrying the pig into the sky.

Instead of the typical 'when pigs can fly' pictures when they have angel wings-which is extremely overdone- I decided to give it more of a Rene Magritte style. I gave it a surrealistic look to fit the unrealistic nature of the picture. It happened to be raining on the day I started to work on this picture which explains the umbrellas. Since not many people like rain and get depressed by the dark sky and wet outdoors, this picture represents the end of the storm and the relief that comes after it in the form of a pig carried by an umbrella, while being surrounded by other umbrellas, which are a symbol for shelter from the rain.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lizard mohawk

A mix of a lizard, and a green butterfly with a roaster mohawk.


Spotted panther, and a black lab

Zebra fish!!!!

Combination of Zebra and zebra patterned lion fish but it does have a painted background and a filter on it that makes it look more like it is underwater